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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Citizens Not Suspects

Citizens Not Suspects

Australians have been urged to join a global anti-spying protest urging a curb on the US National Security Agency's mass surveillance powers.
"The Day We Fight Back" campaign taking place in the US on Tuesday (Wednesday Australian time) has the support of Google, Twitter, Reddit and Microsoft and civil liberties groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union. It aims to end "mass surveillance - of both Americans and the citizens of the whole world".
Top executives from Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, AOL, LinkedIn and Twitter published a joint statement and sent a letter to President Barack Obama and members of Congress. The coalition of tech firms, known as Reform Government Surveillance, urged changes that would include a government agreement not to collect bulk data from internet communications.
In Australia, the group Citizens Not Suspects, led by Electronic Frontiers Australia, urged people to join the protest by displaying the fight-back banner on their websites. 

Please sign the petition. We are Citizens not Suspects.

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