Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!

If you have a passion for Art then you are in the
right place and space. Art has always helped me to navigate my way through life and is a reflection of the myriad of emotional experiences that become layered over time. So please join me on my journey as a digital artist as I explore great Artists,Blog's, Websites and more. I welcome invites to check out your blog, so send me your link and I will definitely take a look. Enjoy, live, love, inspire and art on....

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tried and True: Cheesecake

Tried and True: Cheesecake
I hope Jo-Lynne won't mind me sharing this lovely image of the cheesecake that I have placed a link too as it just looks so delicious and yummy.
I have been wandering through some lovely blogs and found this grand blog called the "Musings of a Housewife" by Jo-Lynne Shane. http://www.musingsofahousewife.com/
I found this blog when I was trying to work out how to create a button that people could grab and place on their website if they wanted. So far I have taught myself to make a button that goes to one of my pages but I still can not quite grasp how to get the scroll down box underneath LOL. Oh well I will keep on trying to work it out but think the two ladies button on the top left hand corner is cute and I got to find this wonderful blog by a very talented young mother, with some delicious recipes and great tips, advice and insight.
I really hope you will check out Jo-Lynne's website, recipes and blog it is really a Gold Two Thumbs Up website. 
Gold Two Thumbs Up Award

Cheers Julz

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